Since losing Alex, I have made it a goal to create a necklace design in his memory. I wanted to create something that was symbolic to me but could also be a universal symbol for anyone wishing to support my cause. I know right away that the name of the necklace would be "Eternal Love". Because no matter what your motivation for purchasing this necklace, "eternal love" is a powerful phrase for every aspect of your life. To me, "eternal love" proves that even though I will never be able to hold my baby, my love for him will last a lifetime. And even though I will be celebrating my nephew Jason's 21st birthday without him this Saturday, he is always in my heart.
The "Eternal Love" Necklace will be available as early as tomorrow on our etsy website, www.tuvida.etsy.com , as it is very important for me to showcase this necklace on October 15th, as this is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. We will be donating $10 from the sale of each necklace back to both Trisomy 18 Foundation and Donate Life. My nephew donated his organs through Donate Life and it is the official charity of the Richmond Marathon and Half Marathon, that Katie will be completing in just one month from today, November 14, 2009. Katie has made it a goal to raise $1600 for Trisomy 18 Foundation. To learn more visit her personal blog at www.itwasasweetsixteen.blogspot.com or visit www.trisomy18.org/goto/alexramirez.
"True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations; it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart."
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